Mercy Centre 善樂舍 on Cheung Chau Island


2018-07-29: Report in HK Chinese Catholic paper the Kung Kao Po about work of MercyHK on Cheung Chau Island.
On line copy here. Hardcopy here  


Sep 30, 2017: Blessing and opening by HK Vicar General Dominic Chan

72 photos here!

Blessing liturgy here


August 14, 2017:


August 14, 2017:


May 26, 2018: Blessing by Cardinal Joseph Zen S.D.B. of MercyHK canteen on Cheung Chau Island
(because of the economic downturn and other factors, this canteen is now under private management and no longer associated with MercyHK)


August 25, 2021: Mercy Centre for Women, Cheung Chau Island:
